
Making the FAR Sing to Execute Work Quickly

This is the final part of a four-part interview series with Section 809 Panel’s Chair, Dave Drabkin who talks with Integrity about the urgent and important need to improve Defense (and Federal) Acquisition.  To read prior parts of this series, please click here for part 1, here for part 2 and here for part 3. …

No Need to Wait (Practical Ways to Improve Acquisition Fast)

This is part 3 of a four-part interview series with Section 809 Panel’s Chair, Dave Drabkin who talks with Integrity about the urgent and important need to improve Defense (and Federal) Acquisition.  To read part 1 and/or part 2, please click here for part 1 and here for part 2. Dave, when you presented the …

Performance Management Act II – Overcoming Challenges

There is an old saying, “the second act is the best” because it delves deeper into the meat of a story, including challenges and the rising actions in response to them. So it may be with the story of Government performance management. Federal Managers have seen many plot twists impacting governance since the early 90’s when …

Fear of the FAR – Is It Getting in the Way of Doing Business?

Do 1,883 pages of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), comprised of 53 different Parts, dozens of forms, and a correction page feel like something to be feared? Does it keep you from buying what you need to support your agency? Many government decision-makers look at the FAR as a significant obstacle to their acquisitions, but at …

Use CPARS to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Have you ever stopped to consider the importance of the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) and how top management in both Government and Industry can use the evaluations to make strategic business decisions?  The FAR requires CPARS evaluations but government auditors have reported that they’re not always done on time or with enough detail.  …

Solutions to Keep Teaming Agreements Valid and Enforceable – Learning from the Cyberlock Decision

A Federal court recently struck a great blow to the validity of Teaming Agreements.  Some Teaming Agreements, arrangements of understanding between Prime and Sub contractors, may now be unenforceable as contracts in Virginia and other states. Teaming Agreements are useful for defining the relationships between Prime and Sub contractors by defining the mutual expectations of …

How an E-Library Can Help Keep You Compliant

Does this sound familiar? You’re developing a solicitation document and vaguely recall an agency or departmental policy memo or directive that might impact your solicitation. Where is that document? Was it issued last month, maybe last year? Is it still in effect? What did it say? Or worse, you aren’t even aware that a policy …

Milestone Decisions: Why They’re Important and How Your Agency Can Reach Them

Your agency just received a legislative mandate to implement a capability by a specific date.  The mission could range from expanding a capability, to improving security at a checkpoint, to meeting an estimated surge in demand for transactions in a compressed time period.  It may take months or years to accomplish the mission. You may …

The Three C’s Of CPIC Success at TSA

With budgets and resources stretched more than ever, portfolios are under fire to demonstrate the value of their investments through sound business cases.  One way to show soundness is to demonstrate the business cases are compliant and coherent.  But how is this accomplished? Based on my experience supporting teams through many Capital Planning and Investment …

Why Integrity Matters

Welcome to our new Integrity Matters blog. We want this to be a forum to share best practices and the latest thinking on acquisition and program management. We hope you will join in the conversation. Look for blog posts from our team of experienced Fellows and company leaders on everything from austerity to oversight to …