
Is Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) Always The Best Deal?

In the current fiscal environment, there is an even stronger focus on being a good steward of taxpayer dollars. That is certainly commendable and definitely what is expected by John Q. Public. The recent trend to uphold that trust placed in the Government has been toward awarding contracts on a lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) …

How Integrated Product Teams Can Improve Performance and Save Money

In this time of tight budgets and mandates to do more or the same with less, the need for innovation through greater communication and cooperation is greater than ever.   The intelligent use of Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) that foster an organizational climate of cross-functional collaboration can drive innovation throughout your processes. This is accomplished by …

Procurement Planning – An Important Spoke in the Wheel

  With the recent uncertainty over further sequestration and a possible second government shutdown, many agencies and components of the federal government have been asked to identify those procurement actions that are critical and have the potential to cause major operational dysfunction if delayed. While this drill is important, it’s also a reminder that procurement …

May the Source Be With You!

In a business environment where the government is expected to do more with less, the strategic sourcing process has become a resourceful approach in helping agencies reduce spending and clearly define requirements while also improving mission delivery. Strategic sourcing can be defined as a standard and formal process that incorporates rigorous analytics, tools and techniques …

Widening the Aperture of Acquisition & the Acquisition Team

Today’s fiscally constrained environment is being felt in many places, including acquisition.  The Federal Government spends billions to execute its missions through acquisitions.  After talking with one of my colleagues about the impact on the acquisition discipline, she astutely said “though resources may be narrowing, the way you approach acquisition shouldn’t”. In fact, to face …

Cloud or Cloudy? Government’s Transition to Cloud Offerings

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has required Federal agencies to adopt a “Cloud First” approach to evaluating options for new IT deployments.  This was born out of the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management by Vivek Kundra, who was the US Chief Information Officer at the time this report …

What Elements of BBP 2.0 are Important to IT Programs and Why?

As we move further into an unprecedented era of tighter budgets and post war downsizing, it makes sense to implement Better Buying Power 2.0, the directive published by Frank Kendall, Undersecretary for Acquisition at the Department of Defense (DoD), in April 2013. Bottom line – if you are a program under Acquisition Technology &Logistics (AT&L), …

How to Get Buy-In on the Value of the Business Case

You don’t have work in the federal budget field to know that agencies are closely reviewing every budget line item to see where they can streamline to reduce costs.  It is vital that government Program Managers (PMs) understand the importance of building and reporting on sound business cases for their investments – the OMB300 process. …

The Three C’s Of CPIC Success at TSA

With budgets and resources stretched more than ever, portfolios are under fire to demonstrate the value of their investments through sound business cases.  One way to show soundness is to demonstrate the business cases are compliant and coherent.  But how is this accomplished? Based on my experience supporting teams through many Capital Planning and Investment …

The Importance of CPIC in the Age of Sequestration

The age of sequestration has started; several departments across the federal government have seen significant budget cuts. As departments scramble to find funding and make the appropriate adjustments to their budgets for Fiscal Year (FY) 14 and beyond, it can be tempting to cut support for the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process. The …