
The Effect of Quality Control on Customer Satisfaction – Part II

As customers we expect high quality.  It’s an expectation we should all keep in mind when the tables are turned and we’re providing a product or service.  High quality equals higher customer satisfaction and a greater chance of continued partnership. In Part I of my blog on Effective Quality Control to Support Your Customer, I …

Effective Quality Control to Support Your Customer

When you decide to purchase a certain product or pay for a needed service, it is your expectation that you will receive something of value and of good quality.    When quality is not up to par, think about how it makes you feel.  I have been places where my first visit was my last due …

Market Research for Small Business in a Time of Limited Interaction

Every year the federal government awards contracts worth $100 billion to small businesses, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA).  That makes for a lot of opportunity, but there’s stiff competition to win those contracts.  Relationships, connections and trust are crucial to doing business with the government, advises the SBA on one of its blogs.  …

Is It Time to Professionalize Contract Management?

It’s the problem that won’t seem to go away:  for decades, government agencies, academics and industry associations have identified a lack of expertise and training among acquisition personnel as a key challenge for the acquisition workforce. Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, acknowledged the problem, adding a new goal to …

Procurement Planning – An Important Spoke in the Wheel

  With the recent uncertainty over further sequestration and a possible second government shutdown, many agencies and components of the federal government have been asked to identify those procurement actions that are critical and have the potential to cause major operational dysfunction if delayed. While this drill is important, it’s also a reminder that procurement …

The Struggle With the Juggle: How to Master the Trick of Contract Transition

Integrity Management Consulting and GovLoop are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement.  Integrity Matters will bring you occasional posts written by GovLoop’s Andrew Krzmarzick, featuring the expertise of Integrity subject matter experts and other professionals in acquisition. …

Successfully Quarterbacking Government Contract Closeout Files

Imagine a college football game day – large crowds of fans, student colors, marching bands, and the cacophony of noise. Once the last touchdown is scored and the crowds leave, the crew that remains behind has the important job of ensuring things are brought to a close and all is in place. Representatives who contribute …

What Elements of BBP 2.0 are Important to IT Programs and Why?

As we move further into an unprecedented era of tighter budgets and post war downsizing, it makes sense to implement Better Buying Power 2.0, the directive published by Frank Kendall, Undersecretary for Acquisition at the Department of Defense (DoD), in April 2013. Bottom line – if you are a program under Acquisition Technology &Logistics (AT&L), …

Four Ways One Agency Recognizes that CORs Matter

Recently I wrote an article about the significant role that Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) play in the acquisition process flow.  In “Do COR’s Matter in Your Agency? Why they Should,” I advocated the importance of reassuring CORs that they are a valuable force within acquisition teams.  This blog generated some really positive conversations, including with …

Three MORE Things to Consider When Choosing Contract Types

The original implementation of DoD’s “Better Buying Power” initiative heavily promoted the use of Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract types.  Many federal agencies adopted this approach with the intent to control costs and limit the Government’s risk exposure on acquisitions.  This does not remove risk from the acquisition itself, and may not even reduce it.  …