
How to Make Telework Succeed for Your Team

With Labor Day weekend over, it’s full steam ahead for government agencies and those who support them. For some, telework will be part of the mix as teams manage the fiscal year-end rush. Recently I started supporting a federal agency where telework is encouraged and systems are in place to enable one or more days …

Why Key Word Searches May Not Identify the Best Job Candidate

As project leads and managers, we have all experienced a staffing vacancy on a project due to staff changes or project expansion. To fill our void, we post job descriptions on career pages and numerous “Job Boards” in an effort to reach a wide swath of people and generate a large pool of resumes to …

Is It Time to Professionalize Contract Management?

It’s the problem that won’t seem to go away:  for decades, government agencies, academics and industry associations have identified a lack of expertise and training among acquisition personnel as a key challenge for the acquisition workforce. Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, acknowledged the problem, adding a new goal to …

Four Ways One Agency Recognizes that CORs Matter

Recently I wrote an article about the significant role that Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) play in the acquisition process flow.  In “Do COR’s Matter in Your Agency? Why they Should,” I advocated the importance of reassuring CORs that they are a valuable force within acquisition teams.  This blog generated some really positive conversations, including with …

PSC President: Six Ideas for the Future of Federal Sector Training

  Lately it may seem like training in the Federal sector is under fire.  From last year’s post-GSA clampdown on travel, to this year’s sequestration-driven furloughs and budget cuts that leave less time and money, training is often moving to the bottom of the priority list.  But should it? Most front-line folks would say no.  …

Certification Update – the Latest on NCMA’s ICCM

A few months ago I wrote about the National Contract Management Association’s (NCMA’s) new Industry Certification in Contract Management (ICCM) in a blog titled “New Certifications Could Help Ease Acquisition Shortfall.”  The ICCM is the only available direct equivalent to Defense Acquisition Improvement Act (DAWIA) and Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) certifications. Based on the tremendous …

New Certifications Could Help Ease Acquisition Shortfall

With the number of certified and experienced federal acquisition professionals expected to drop in 2013, two new certifications could help industry fill the gap.  Here’s my take on the DAWIA/FAC-C Certification equivalents for people looking to expand their skills.

A Simple Philosophy: Growth Solves All Problems

America has faced a tough economic climate the past few years and the fallout is extensive. Think about the number of people who wake up in the morning and want to go to work but can’t find a job. It not only affects their ability to provide basic needs for their families, it lowers their …

My Top Government Contract Career Advice – Get Your Certifications!

I have many friends and colleagues in the Federal Government and the industry that supports it.  Just like in any field, they’re always thinking about how to make the most of their career.  When I was asked to be a panelist at the Government Contract Management Conference (GCMC) Career Fair, I thought about what would …