
Writing a Task Order Against an IDIQ – Make Sure You’re Covered!

Do not assume anything when you are writing a task order against an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract. Why? Ever write a task order and miss something or miss ensuring the proper contract language rigor is included? For example, what happens when a task order is written against an IDIQ contract and language requiring …

Getting LPTA Right – Raising the Bar for Technical Acceptability

Blogs criticizing the misuse and overuse of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) source selections for services will flood your search engine results in seconds.  Because integrity matters, let’s step back and ask the tougher question:  How can we effectively apply LPTA source selection to complex services? Can we raise the bar for technical acceptability?

Do CORs Matter in Your Agency? Why They Should

Picture the acquisition process flow as a wheel.  Around the wheel are the pre-award and award process, contract management and finally the contract close-out. Because Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) may be involved in all aspects of the acquisition cycle, they operate as the linchpin that holds it all together. What would happen if you pulled …

Why Federal Contracting Should Be More Like Made-From-Scratch vs. Store-Bought Cookies

Integrity Management Consulting and GovLoop are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement.  Integrity Matters will bring you occasional posts written by GovLoop’s Andrew Krzmarzick, featuring the expertise of Integrity subject matter experts. It’s …

Performance Based Budgeting – Is it just another buzzword?

Recently the US Chief Information Officer (CIO) Steven Van Roekel (@stevenvdc) has been discussing the Federal Information Technology FY 2014 Budget Priorities on social media such as Twitter and elsewhere. In his budget priorities presentation, he discusses the shift towards Performance Based Budgeting (PBB). So what exactly is PBB? Sounds like a great buzzword, right? …

How an E-Library Can Help Keep You Compliant

Does this sound familiar? You’re developing a solicitation document and vaguely recall an agency or departmental policy memo or directive that might impact your solicitation. Where is that document? Was it issued last month, maybe last year? Is it still in effect? What did it say? Or worse, you aren’t even aware that a policy …

When Getting Rid of Risk Isn’t Possible: 4 Ways to Work Around It

Integrity Management Consulting and GovLoop are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement.  Integrity Matters will bring you occasional posts written by GovLoop’s Andrew Krzmarzick, featuring the expertise of Integrity subject matter experts. “Risk …

Milestone Decisions: Why They’re Important and How Your Agency Can Reach Them

Your agency just received a legislative mandate to implement a capability by a specific date.  The mission could range from expanding a capability, to improving security at a checkpoint, to meeting an estimated surge in demand for transactions in a compressed time period.  It may take months or years to accomplish the mission. You may …

How to Get Buy-In on the Value of the Business Case

You don’t have work in the federal budget field to know that agencies are closely reviewing every budget line item to see where they can streamline to reduce costs.  It is vital that government Program Managers (PMs) understand the importance of building and reporting on sound business cases for their investments – the OMB300 process. …

The Three C’s Of CPIC Success at TSA

With budgets and resources stretched more than ever, portfolios are under fire to demonstrate the value of their investments through sound business cases.  One way to show soundness is to demonstrate the business cases are compliant and coherent.  But how is this accomplished? Based on my experience supporting teams through many Capital Planning and Investment …